The Youtube playlist URL format allows you to easily share and access your custom playlists. Knowing the playlist URL structure can help you better organize and manage your Youtube video collections.
The Basics of Youtube Playlist URLs
A Youtube playlist URL follows this basic structure:
The playlist ID is a unique code that identifies each playlist. For example:
This URL points to a specific playlist with the ID PL2hk1fm4US4w8TkbbiLPIwmYcJkJYD74p. The playlist ID is the only required component of the URL.
Finding the Playlist ID
There are a couple ways to find the playlist ID:
- When you are viewing a playlist, the ID will be visible in the URL of that page.
- You can get the playlist ID directly from the playlist settings. Open the playlist, click the options menu (the three dots) and select “Copy playlist URL.” This copies the full playlist URL to your clipboard, including the ID.
Adding Additional Parameters
You can append additional parameters to the end of the playlist URL to modify the behavior:
The index parameter specifies the video to start with when opening the playlist. For example:
This will start the playlist on the 5th video.
Adding shuffle=1 will shuffle the playlist order when opened:
Use loop=1 to loop the playlist repeatedly:
Embedding a Playlist
You can embed a Youtube playlist on any web page using an embed link. This allows you to display the playlist directly on your site.
To get a playlist’s embed link:
- Open the playlist
- Click the Share button below the playlist
- Select the Embed tab
- Copy the iframe code
This code will look like:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Paste this on your web page to embed the playlist.
Adding a Playlist to Your Channel Navigation
You can highlight key playlists on your Youtube channel by adding them to your channel navigation menu:
- Go to Customization in Creator Studio
- Under “Navigation,” click Add Playlist
- Enter the name and playlist ID
- Click Save to add it
This adds your playlist to the menu on your channel’s home page, giving viewers quick access.
Linking to a Specific Video in a Playlist
You can deep link to a particular video within a playlist by appending #t= plus the video timestamp to the playlist URL. For example:
This will start the playlist and immediately jump to 5 minutes and 30 seconds into the first video.
Adding a Playlist to a Channel Section
Channel sections allow you to subdivide and organize your channel’s home page. You can highlight a playlist in a section:
- Go to Customization in Creator Studio
- Click Add Section
- Select Playlist and enter the playlist ID
- Arrange section order as desired
This displays your playlist in a dedicated section of your channel.
Collaborative Playlists
By default, only the owner of a playlist can add videos. To allow other users to collaborate:
- Open the playlist settings
- Under permissions, change to “Collaborative playlist”
- Enter the accounts you want to allow to edit
Now the specified users can add and reorder videos in the playlist.
Replacing Playlist Videos
If a video in a playlist becomes unavailable, you may need to replace it:
- Open the playlist editor
- Hover over the video and click the replace icon (a circular arrow)
- Search for and select a new video to substitute
This replaces the video while keeping the playlist intact.
Troubleshooting Playlist Issues
Here are some common playlist problems and solutions:
- Videos not playing – The video may have been removed or set to private. Try replacing videos or checking the video permissions.
- Wrong order – Videos may have been reordered. Open the playlist editor and check the video order.
- Missing videos – Videos may have been removed from the playlist. Check the playlist contents and add videos back as needed.
- Can’t add video – Make sure playlist permissions allow you to edit the playlist.
- Embed not working – Check that the iframe code exactly matches the embed link, including the playlist ID.
Backing Up Your Playlists
Since playlists can be modified or deleted over time, it’s a good idea to back them up. You can download a local copy of a playlist using third party tools.
For example, YT Playlist Downloader is a free playlist backup tool. Simply provide the playlist URL and it will save a copy of the playlist contents to your computer.
Sharing Playlists Privately
To share a playlist with someone without making it public:
- Click the Share button below the playlist
- Select the Email tab
- Enter the recipient’s email address
This allows you to privately share playlists.
Exporting Annotations
If you have annotations in your playlist videos, you can export them:
- Open the playlist editor
- Click Options
- Select Export Annotations
This downloads a JSON file with the annotations for archival purposes.
Creating Playlists with the API
The YouTube API allows programmatic playlist creation and management. Developers can use the API endpoints:
- playlistItems.insert – Add videos to a playlist
- playlists.update – Edit playlist details
- playlists.delete – Delete a playlist
The API provides fine-grained control over large playlists.
Youtube playlist URLs provide a simple yet powerful way to organize and share videos. Mastering the playlist ID syntax lets you deeply customize embeds, channel navigation, and collaborate with others. Troubleshooting common playlist issues like broken videos or wrong order will ensure your playlists continue entertaining viewers.
So whether you’re a Youtube viewer, creator or developer, understanding playlist URLs will enhance your experience!