Playlists not saving properly or disappearing is a common issue on Youtube that can be frustrating. The problem is usually caused by a bug or glitch in the platform rather than user error. Logging out and back in or clearing cookies/cache typically resolves playlist saving problems.
Playlists Not Saving
One of the most common Youtube playlist issues is when a user creates a playlist, adds videos, but then the playlist doesn’t actually save or the videos disappear later. This happens because of a glitch in the way Youtube communicates with the server to save playlist data. Sometimes the connection gets interrupted or the save request doesn’t process properly.
When this occurs, the playlist will look fine on the surface while you’re adding videos. But when you log out and back in later, you’ll find the playlist is empty or missing videos. The changes didn’t actually get saved on Youtube’s servers even though it looked like it worked on your end.
This playlist saving glitch tends to come and go in waves, getting worse at times then improving. But it’s been a stubborn, recurring bug on Youtube for many years without a permanent fix. When it happens, it’s always frustrating to lose playlist progress.
How to Fix Playlist Not Saving
The good news is there are some quick fixes you can try to resolve playlists not saving properly on Youtube:
- Log completely out of Youtube then log back in – This forces a refresh of your account data and playlists.
- Clear browser cookies/cache – Clearing out browser data will wipe corrupt playlist data.
- Try a different browser or device – The issue may be browser-specific.
- Use Youtube mobile app – The mobile Youtube app can have different playlist bugs.
- Wait and try again later – Playlists may save after some time passes.
In most cases, simply logging out and back into Youtube resolves the problem. You may also need to clear cookies and cache. The playlist should save correctly after resetting your account data. Beyond that, try switching browsers or devices to see if that fixes it.
While frustrating, this is a known Youtube platform issue that usually rights itself eventually. Just be patient and keep retrying the saving process until it sticks.
Entire Playlist Disappearing
Another common Youtube playlist problem is when an entire playlist seems to disappear suddenly. You go to access a playlist you created and it’s nowhere to be found – completely gone from your account and library.
This happens because of a sync issue between your local browser data and Youtube’s servers. For some reason, the playlist gets deleted from Youtube’s database even though it still appears locally on your device or computer.
When this occurs, you’ll sign in to Youtube and find playlists missing from your account. You may have hundreds of playlists and only a few disappear, or you may lose your entire playlist library unexpectedly.
How to Recover Disappeared Playlists
While losing playlists is always upsetting, the good news is you can often recover them. Here are some methods to restore disappeared Youtube playlists:
- Check playlist trash – Playlists may get moved to trash rather than deleted.
- Restore browser data – Playlist may be in browsing history or cache.
- Use Youtube playlist recovery services – Websites can find deleted playlists.
- Contact Youtube support – Youtube can sometimes restore lost playlists.
First, check your Youtube account playlist trash. Occasionally, Youtube will move playlists to trash rather than permanently deleting them when this sync issue happens. You may be able to restore deleted playlists from there.
Beyond that, try using a Youtube playlist recovery service website. They use keyword searches and cached browsing data to find playlists deleted from your account. Some of these services include ChannelCrawler, PlaylistsRecovery, and AllPlaylistsRecovery.
As a last resort, reach out to official Youtube support. Explain the situation and they may be able to locate and restore some lost playlist data on their end. But there’s no guarantee as it depends how corrupt the files became.
Videos Keep Disappearing From Playlist
A variation of the playlist saving glitch is when videos keep disappearing from a playlist after you add them. You’ll insert several videos into a new or existing playlist. But later you’ll notice some are missing.
This happens because the sync between your browser and Youtube servers cut out intermittently while adding videos. Some saves worked while others didn’t. So videos will look saved on your end temporarily but then disappear later.
Another cause can be if the video creator deletes the original video from their channel. That will remove it from any playlists automatically. But this is less common than the platform bug.
Fixing Disappearing Playlist Videos
To stop videos from disappearing from playlists, try these troubleshooting tips:
- Double check video privacy settings – Unlisted videos may get removed.
- Reload playlist and re-add videos – Refreshing may sync it correctly.
- Add fewer videos per session – Smaller batches may save properly.
- Check videos are not deleted – Videos removed from Youtube will also disappear from playlists.
Review the privacy settings of videos you’re adding to playlists. If they are unlisted or private, Youtube may automatically strip them out later. Try adding videos in smaller batches to see if that makes the saving process more reliable.
Beyond that, you’ll have to reload the playlist and re-add any missing videos. The saving issues tend to be intermittent, so trying again often helps. But expect to encounter this disappearing video glitch on occasion given Youtube’s ongoing issues.
Can’t Add Certain Videos to Playlists
In some cases, Youtube will block you from adding particular videos to playlists. When you try to insert them, you’ll get an error message about not being able to add the video.
This restriction happens most often with age-restricted adult content. Due to Youtube policy and legal concerns, such videos get excluded from playlists. There are also geographic restrictions in some countries blocking certain content.
Videos that get removed from Youtube entirely will also naturally fail to add to playlists afterward. And private or deleted videos can no longer get inserted in public playlists.
Solutions for Unaddable Videos
If you’re unable to add a video to a Youtube playlist, here are some troubleshooting tips:
- Double check video age restrictions – Adult content may get blocked.
- Check video privacy status – Deleted or private videos often can’t be added.
- Try adding from a different account – Content blocks can be account-specific.
- Use a Youtube video downloader – Insert downloaded versions instead.
Review the video closely and see if it has age restrictions, geographic blocks, or privacy limitations that prevent playlist additions. You may be able to add the video from a different account not impacted by those same restrictions.
Otherwise, you’ll have to use a Youtube video downloader to get a version saved locally to your device. You can then include that downloaded copy in playlists rather than the live version.
Can’t Reorder Videos in Playlist
Dragging and dropping to reorder videos is a handy Youtube playlist feature. But occasionally, you may find you’re unable to change the order of videos for some reason.
Typically this happens because the playlist in question synced incorrectly at some point. The platform bug prevents re-arranging from working properly. New additions may also always default to the bottom.
Trying to reorder on mobile devices can be especially unreliable. The drag and drop sometimes glitches on touchscreens.
Fixing Playlist Reorder Problems
In most cases, the inability to reorder playlist videos comes down to the common sync errors. To resolve it, try the following:
- Log out and back into Youtube – Refreshes your account data.
- Clear browser history and cache – Wipes out corrupt playlist data.
- Delete and recreate the playlist – Forces a fresh sync.
- Try reordering on a different device – May be platform-specific.
As always, logging out and back into Youtube is one of the best first troubleshooting steps. Clearing your browser data also helps reset any problematic cached playlist files.
If the issue persists, delete the problematic playlist entirely and recreate it from scratch. This will trigger a fresh sync with Youtube’s servers. You may then be able to reorder videos correctly again.
Can’t Find or Access Playlist
There are times when you know for sure you created a Youtube playlist, but can’t find it or access it from your account. The playlist seems to have vanished.
This usually occurs because the playlist was either deleted, became private, or your account lost access to it. Playlists you create remain tied to your account, so losing access is rare.
More likely is that you deleted the playlist by accident and forgot. Or you or someone else set the playlist to private, blocking it from your view.
Recovering Lost Access to Playlists
In the event you can’t find a playlist you know you created, here are some ways to get it back:
- Check playlist trash and restore if deleted – Accidental deletes can happen.
- Review privacy settings – Check if playlist was made private.
- Ask collaborators if they can still view it – You may have lost access.
- Contact Youtube support for help – They may be able to assist.
First, dig through your Youtube account playlist trash. If you accidentally deleted the playlist, you may find it in there and be able to restore it. This is a common reason playlists seem to disappear.
Double check you didn’t toggle the playlist to private without realizing it. That would block your own viewing as well. Switch it back to public if so.
For shared playlists, ask collaborators if they can still see it. You may have gotten removed or blocked somehow. Finally, reach out to official Youtube support to see if they can help regain access.
Can’t Edit Playlist Details
Editing the title, description, tags, and other metadata of a Youtube playlist sometimes fails to save properly. You’ll make the changes but they don’t stick.
This arises from the same core syncing issues that affect video additions. The edits make it to your local browser session but fail to communicate with Youtube’s back-end. So you see the changes briefly then they revert.
Frustratingly, this means any time spent carefully crafting the perfect playlist metadata could get erased. The details end up reverting to their previous state.
Fixing Playlist Detail Editing
To make sure playlist detail edits save correctly, follow these tips:
- Log out and back in after editing – Forces a sync.
- Clear browser history and cache – Wipes corrupt data.
- Try editing on a different device – May be platform specific.
- Edit in smaller batches – Large changes may not all save.
As always, logging out and back in is the best starting point. You can also close the tab and reopen the playlist page before making edits. This gives the prior session time to fully sync.
Avoid making too many metadata changes at once. Break it into smaller editing batches to improve the likelihood of a successful sync. Lastly, switch browsers or devices if it keeps failing.
Can’t Delete Playlists
Trying to delete a problematic or outdated Youtube playlist only to find the platform won’t let you is annoying. The delete option may be grayed out or return an error.
This is typically just another variation of the sync issues. Your local browser thinks the playlist is deletable but the back-end knows it’s already gone or having problems.
Less commonly, playlists tied to multiple channels as collabs can resist deletion unless all owners approve. Copyright disputes can also block deletes.
Removing Stubborn Playlists
To force delete a stubborn Youtube playlist, try these steps:
- Log out and back in – Refresh your account data.
- Clear browser history and cache – Wipes corrupt local files.
- Try deleting on different device – May work on another platform.
- Delete any collaborators – Removes other restrictions.
- Contact Youtube support – They may be able to force delete it.
As usual, logging out and back into Youtube helps align your account with the cloud version where deletes happen. Clearing browsing data also helps reset the local end causing issues.
Check for playlist collaborators that may need to approve the delete action. Removing their access first can allow you to then delete it solo.
Finally, Youtube support can directly remove playlists after reviewing the issues. Explain the failure to delete and they may take care of it for you.
Accidentally Deleted Playlist
It’s easy enough to accidentally delete a Youtube playlist you wanted to keep. A misclick or glitch can permanently wipe out your playlist.
Thankfully you have a limited window of time to recover accidentally deleted playlists before they are gone for good.
When you delete a playlist, it gets moved to your Youtube account trash rather than erased immediately. It remains recoverable during this stage.
How to Restore Deleted Playlists
To recover an accidentally deleted Youtube playlist:
- Check your Youtube account trash.
- Look for the deleted playlist and restore it.
- Retrieve the playlist within 30 days.
First, go to your Youtube account playlist trash. You can browse all deleted playlists there.
Find the accidentally removed playlist in the list and hit restore. This will move it back to your regular playlist library.
Keep in mind playlists only stay in the trash temporarily for about 30 days. So recover any accidental deletions before they get permanently erased.
Banned or Restricted From Playlists
In rare cases, Youtube may ban or restrict your account from creating or managing playlists as a form of moderation.
This typically only happens to accounts that violate copyright policy through extensive playlist piracy. Or that tried to abuse playlists for spam/scams.
When banned from Youtube playlists, you’ll find yourself unable to create new ones, add or remove videos, or make edits. Playlist features will be locked down.
Appealing Playlist Bans
If you got unfairly banned from Youtube playlists, file an appeal:
- Review the emailed ban reasons carefully.
- Formally appeal the ban decision if you believe it was in error.
- Provide details on why playlist access should be reinstated.
- Wait for Youtube support to review your appeal.
- Comply with platform policies going forward if access is restored.
First, read any details Youtube provided on the reason for restricting your playlist permissions. Make sure you understand the basis for the ban.
If you think it was unwarranted, formally appeal the decision through Youtube support. Explain in detail why you should have playlist access reinstated on your account.
It may take some time for Youtube to thoroughly review your appeal and respond. Be patient. In the meantime, brush up on proper playlist and copyright practices to avoid repeat issues.
Getting playlist privileges revoked is rare, but make sure to comply with all Youtube rules if you regain access. Further policy violations could result in permanent loss of playlist functionality.
Youtube playlists are certainly handy, but also prone to plenty of quirky technical issues. Glitchy syncing between devices and servers tends to undermine playlist saving and deletions.
Thankfully, there are ways to troubleshoot and solve most common Youtube playlist problems. A combination of logging out and in, clearing cache, trying other devices, and contacting support can get playlists working smoothly again.
Have patience when dealing with playlist